SAP End User Program

Gain unlimited access to a wealth of ready-made standard training materials from SAP that are relevant for key users and end users.


  • Graduate in any stream can attend the program
  • Basic knowledge of business processes


To understand…
  • Navigation and overview, end-user process and transaction courses on SAP
  • Assess SAP knowledge and build confidence to work on SAP systems as business users
  • Build and keep SAP software skills and knowledge up-to-date from a library of thousands of SAP enablement titles
  • Enable individuals to maximize the value of SAP software anywhere, anytime
  • Leverage learning management system capabilities to select training courses and view learning progress
  • Benefit from innovative SAP Learning Rooms — interactive, online social media sites where users get access to knowledgeable SAP experts and collaborate and network with fellow learners, work on challenging
    assignments, and review exercises right at their desk.


sap business user


  • Navigation and overview courses
  • End-user process and transaction courses
  • Simulations of standard transactions within SAP solutions
  • Self-study training courses tailored for user enablement
  • Huge library of simulations for ad hoc transaction support and self-paced practice
  • Wide range of SAP solution coverage,from classical ERP to cloud solutions
  • Measure knowledge, skills and attitudes –during and after learning
  • Improve your learning outcome and gain confidence on SAP topics
  • Re-learn courses which need additional understanding.Correct misconceptions


  • Validity of licensed SAP Business process login is for 6 months only