Confirmed by SAP, All certified SAP-experts need to take action before March 31, 2025 to keep their certification valid. Let’s understand the change! SAP has changed its certification program to ensure you have what you need and when you need it in the modern workplace. Continuous learning and keeping your skills always up to date […]
At Eviden, we believe that the right training can empower individuals and organizations to reach their fullest potential. As one of the most promising and authorized SAP Training and Adoption partners, we are committed to providing world-class training services that meet the evolving needs of businesses and professionals alike. Recent Achievements of Training Services Group […]
With a growing number of applications in SAP technology in the past few years, SAP certification has been in high demand. There are a lot of questions that may arise in the mind of every SAP aspirant before taking up the certification course. Here is the collection of some of the most common questions – […]